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TAL, Sharp & Sunsuper Income Protection Reviews 2023

Apr 27, 2023
Income Protection Reviews

In today’s world, financial security has become a primary concern for most individuals, and one of the best ways to ensure it is through income protection insurance. With a plethora of insurance providers in the market, it can be challenging to choose the right one. This blog aims to provide a comprehensive analysis of the income protection policies offered by TAL, Sharp, and Sunsuper for the year 2023.

Income Protection Reviews
Income Protection Reviews

TAL Income Protection Review:

TAL is one of Australia’s leading insurance providers and offers various insurance policies, including protection. Some essential aspects of TAL’s policy are:

  • Benefit period: TAL provides benefit periods ranging from two to five years and up to the age of 65, depending on the policy selected.
  • Waiting period: TAL offers waiting periods of 14, 30, 60, and 90 days.
  • Premiums: TAL’s income protections premiums vary depending on the policy, the applicant’s age, occupation, and lifestyle factors.
  • Additional benefits: TAL provides additional benefits such as rehabilitation benefits, bed confinement benefit, and a specific injury benefit.

Introduction to TAL Income Protection Review

TAL is one of Australia’s leading life insurance providers, offering a range of protection products. One such product is Income protection insurance, which provides financial support if you’re unable to work due to an injury or illness. In this review, we’ll take a closer look at TAL’s insurance and what it has to offer.

Coverage and Benefits

TAL’s income protection insurance provides a monthly benefit of up to 75% of your income, with a maximum monthly benefit of $30,000. The benefit is paid after a waiting period of either 14, 30, 60, or 90 days, depending on the policy you choose. The policy can cover you for up to age 70 or up to age 65 if you have a white-collar job.

Optional Benefits

TAL’s income protection policy offers several optional benefits that can be added to the standard policy for an additional premium. These include:

  • Rehabilitation Benefit: Provides financial support to help you return to work after an injury or illness.
  • Bed Confinement Benefit: Pays a benefit if you’re confined to your bed due to injury or illness.
  • Needlestick Benefit: Pays a benefit if you contract a blood-borne disease as a result of a needlestick injury.

Premiums and Discounts

TAL’s income insurance premiums are calculated based on a number of factors, including your age, occupation, smoking status, and the level of cover you choose. TAL offers a range of discounts, including a loyalty discount for policyholders who have held their policy for three years or more, and a multi-policy discount for customers who hold multiple TAL policies.

Claims Process

If you need to make a claim on your TAL income protection policy, you can do so online or over the phone. TAL aims to make the claims process as simple and stress-free as possible, and claims are generally processed within 5-10 business days.

Overall, TAL’s income protection insurance offers a comprehensive range of benefits and optional extras, with flexible waiting periods and benefit periods. While premiums can be higher than some other providers, TAL’s discounts and loyalty program can help to offset these costs. If you’re looking for insurance, TAL is definitely worth considering.

Sharp Income Protection Review:

Sharp is a relatively new player in the income protection insurance market but offers some unique features. Here are some essential aspects of Sharp’s income protection policy:

  • Benefit period: Sharp provides benefit periods of two years, five years, or up to the age of 65, depending on the policy selected.
  • Waiting period: Sharp offers waiting periods of 14, 28, 60, or 90 days.
  • Premiums: Sharp’s premiums vary depending on the policy, the applicant’s age, occupation, and lifestyle factors.
  • Additional benefits: Sharp provides additional benefits such as a total and permanent disability benefit, bed confinement benefit, and rehabilitation benefits.


Sharp is an insurance company in Australia that offers a range of protection products, including income protection insurance. In this review, we’ll take a closer look at Sharp’s income protection insurance and what it has to offer.

Coverage and Benefits

Sharp’s income protection insurance provides a monthly benefit of up to 75% of your income, with a maximum monthly benefit of $30,000. The benefit is paid after a waiting period of either 14, 30, 60, or 90 days, depending on the policy you choose. The policy can cover you for up to age 70 or up to age 65 if you have a white-collar job.

Optional Benefits

Sharp’s income protection policy offers several optional benefits that can be added to the standard policy for an additional premium. These include:

  • Total Permanent Disability (TPD) Cover: Pays a lump sum benefit if you become totally and permanently disabled and are unable to work again.
  • Trauma Cover: Pays a lump sum benefit.

Sunsuper Income Protection Review:

Sunsuper is one of Australia’s largest superannuation funds and offers income protection policies to its members. Some essential aspects of Sunsuper’s income protection policy are:

  • Benefit period: Sunsuper provides benefit periods of two years, five years, or up to the age of 65, depending on the policy selected.
  • Waiting period: Sunsuper offers waiting periods of 14, 30, 60, or 90 days.
  • Premiums: Sunsuper’s income protection premiums vary depending on the policy, the applicant’s age, occupation, and lifestyle factors.
  • Additional benefits: Sunsuper provides additional benefits such as a total and permanent disability benefit, rehabilitation benefits, and a death benefit.


Sunsuper is an Australian superannuation fund that offers a range of insurance products, including income protection insurance. In this review, we’ll take a closer look at Sunsuper’s income protection insurance and what it has to offer.

Coverage and Benefits

Sunsuper’s income protection insurance provides a monthly benefit of up to 85% of your pre-disability income, with a maximum monthly benefit of $30,000. The benefit is paid after a waiting period of either 14, 30, 60, or 90 days, depending on the policy you choose. The policy can cover you for up to age 65.

One of the unique features of Sunsuper’s income protection insurance is that it offers “agreed value” cover, which means that the benefit paid is based on your pre-disability income, rather than your income at the time of the claim. This can be particularly beneficial for people whose income fluctuates.

Optional Benefits

Sunsuper’s income protection policy offers several optional benefits that can be added to the standard policy for an additional premium. These include:

  • Rehabilitation Benefit: Provides financial support to help you return to work after an injury or illness.
  • Needlestick Benefit: Pays a benefit if you contract a blood-borne disease as a result of a needlestick injury.

Premiums and Discounts

Sunsuper’s income protection insurance premiums are calculated based on a number of factors, including your age, occupation, smoking status, and the level of cover you choose. Sunsuper offers a range of discounts, including a 10% discount for policyholders who hold a Sunsuper superannuation account and a 5% discount for policies with waiting periods of 60 days or more.

Claims Process

If you need to make a claim on your Sunsuper income protection policy. You can do so online or over the phone. Sunsuper aims to make the claims process as simple and stress-free as possible, and claims are generally processed within 5-10 business days.

Overall, Sunsuper’s income protection insurance offers a comprehensive range of benefits. And optional extras. with flexible waiting periods and benefit periods. The “agreed value” feature is a unique selling point that can be particularly beneficial for those with fluctuating income. While premiums can be higher than some other providers, Sunsuper’s discounts and loyalty program can help to offset these costs. If you’re looking for income protection insurance. Sunsuper is definitely worth considering, especially if you already have a Sunsuper superannuation account.

Comparative Analysis:

Here’s a comparative analysis of the three income protection policies based on their essential features:

  • Benefit period: TAL, Sharp, and Sunsuper offer benefit periods of up to two years. Five years, or until the age of 65, depending on the policy selected.
  • Waiting period: TAL, Sharp, and Sunsuper offer waiting periods of 14, 30, 60, or 90 days.
  • Premiums: TAL, Sharp, and Sunsuper’s income protection premiums vary depending on the policy, the applicant’s age, occupation, and lifestyle factors.
  • Additional benefits: TAL, Sharp, and Sunsuper provide additional benefits such as rehabilitation benefits and total and permanent disability benefits. However, TAL offers a specific injury benefit, while Sharp provides a bed confinement benefit.
Income Protection Reviews
Income Protection Reviews


In conclusion, income policy insurance is an essential investment. In today’s uncertain times, and TAL, Sharp, and Sunsuper are among the top players in the Australian market. While TAL is an established insurance provider, Sharp and Sunsuper offer some unique features. It’s crucial to carefully evaluate the policy features and additional benefits. They offered by each provider to choose the right protection policy that suits your needs and budget.

Frequently Asked Questions and Answers

Ques.1: What is income protection insurance?

Ans: Income protection insurance is a type of insurance policy that provides a regular payment to replace your income if you’re unable to work due to an illness, injury or disability.

Ques.2: Do I need income protection insurance?

Ans: If you rely on your income to pay your bills and support your lifestyle, then can provide a safety net in case you’re unable to work due to an unforeseen event.

Ques.3 What does Tal stand for insurance?

Ans: The traditional roots of TAL Life Limited (TAL) go as far back as 1869 when it began as the New Zealand Government Life Office. Later known as TOWER Life, it acquired several Australian life insurance companies during the 1990s.

Ques.4 How can I cancel tal?

Ans: To cancel your policy, you can speak to your financial adviser or contact us. If you are canceling a policy because you intend to replace it with another insurance product, always consider the risks of doing so before deciding to make the change.

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