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PSSAP Income Protection: Safeguarding Your Financial Future

Jun 8, 2023

In an ever-changing world, it is crucial to protect your financial well-being and secure your future. One way to achieve this is through income protection insurance. For members of the Public Sector Superannuation Accumulation Plan (PSSAP), income protection plays a vital role in safeguarding your income and providing financial security during periods of incapacity. This blog post aims to provide a comprehensive overview of PSSAP’s income protection benefits, including how it works, the coverage it offers, and the steps to manage your income protection insurance effectively.

Understanding PSSAP’s Income Protection

If you become unable to work due to illness or injury, income protection insurance is intended to offer a substitute income. As a member of PSSAP, you have access to income protection cover that offers valuable financial support during times of temporary incapacity.

PSSAP Income Protection

Coverage and Benefits

PSSAP’s income protection cover provides a monthly benefit of up to 75% of your salary (inclusive of superannuation contributions) if you are unable to work due to a covered illness or injury. This benefit aims to assist you in meeting your financial obligations while you focus on your recovery.

Key features of PSSAP’s income protection coverage include:

Waiting Period

There is typically a waiting period before income protection payments commence. This waiting period can be selected when setting up your cover and usually ranges from 30 to 90 days. It’s important to consider your financial circumstances and any existing sick leave entitlements when choosing the waiting period.

Benefit Period

The benefit period refers to the duration for which income protection payments will continue if you remain incapacitated and unable to work. PSSAP offers benefit periods of two years, five years, or until age 65, giving you flexibility to select a suitable timeframe based on your needs.

PSSAP Income Protection

Rehabilitation Assistance

PSSAP recognizes the importance of supporting your return to work after a period of incapacity. Therefore, their income protection cover includes access to rehabilitation assistance services, such as vocational training, job placement, and support for workplace modifications if necessary.

Managing Your Income Protection

To ensure your income protection cover remains relevant and effective, it is essential to manage it proactively.

PSSAP Income Protection

Here are some key considerations

Assessing Your Needs

Regularly review your income protection needs based on changes in your personal circumstances, such as promotions, salary adjustments, or changes in your financial commitments. This will help you determine if your current coverage level adequately protects your income.

Understanding Exclusions

Familiarize yourself with the policy’s terms and conditions, including any exclusions or limitations. Certain pre-existing conditions or specific injuries may not be covered under your income protection insurance.

Updating Personal Details

Keep your personal information up to date with PSSAP, including changes in contact details, beneficiaries, or any relevant medical information that may affect your income protection coverage.

Seeking Financial Advice

If you are unsure about your income protection needs or require assistance in managing your insurance, consider seeking advice from a qualified financial advisor. They may offer customized guidance based on your specific situation and assist you in making wise choices.

Balancing Cover and Affordability

Assess the cost of income protection cover against your budget to ensure it remains affordable. You can adjust the waiting period and benefit period to strike a balance between coverage and premium affordability.

Regular Review

Regularly review your income protection cover, ideally on an annual basis or when significant life events occur. This will help you stay informed about any changes to the policy, assess your evolving needs, and make adjustments if necessary.

Benefits of PSSAP’s income protection

PSSAP Income Protection

Protecting your financial stability during periods of incapacity. Understanding the coverage and benefits of PSSAP’s income protection is crucial to ensure you have the right level of protection for your individual circumstances. By managing your income protection effectively and staying proactive in reviewing your cover, you can maximize the benefits and adapt your insurance as your needs evolve.


PSSAP’s income protection provides a safety net, allowing you to focus on your recovery without worrying about the financial impact of being unable to work. Take advantage of the rehabilitation assistance services offered to support your return to work when you are ready.

Investing in income protection

Investing in income protection through PSSAP demonstrates a commitment to protecting your income and securing your financial well-being. Take the necessary steps today to understand and optimize your income protection coverage, ensuring you have the support you need during unexpected life events. Remember, securing your financial future is a responsibility that deserves attention and care.


PSSAP’s income protection is a valuable benefit that provides you with peace of mind and financial security during times of temporary incapacity. By familiarizing yourself with the coverage, managing your insurance effectively, and regularly reviewing your needs, you can ensure that your income protection remains aligned with your circumstances and offers The right protections for protecting your financial future.


Que. Is PSSap a good super fund?

Ans. Reviews for PSSap have received a rating of 3.3 out of 5 stars from 38 customers on Australia’s top superannuation review website.Review My Super.

Que. How does PSSap work?

Ans. As a government employee, your employer contributes at least 15.4% of your super salary into your PSSap account. You can add extra money to your super by making before-tax and after-tax contributions, or by transferring in money from other super funds to help grow your savings.

Que. What is the minimum balance in PSSap?

Ans. Although you are free to transfer any amount; you must maintain a $6000 minimum balance in your PSSap super account if you want to keep your membership.

 Que. What are the benefits of PSSap?

Ans. Insurance benefits -Eligible PSSap members automatically receive cover for death and total and permanent disability (TPD), as well as income protection cover.

Que. Can anyone join PSSap?

Ans. To join PSSap as an Ancillary member you must have been employed by an eligible employer for at least 12 continuous months and: be a current Contributing or Preserved member of PSS or CSS; or.

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