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Figo vs. Trupanion Pet Insurance: Coverage, Costs, and Features

May 9, 2023

Figo vs. Trupanion Pet Insurance both are the best pet insurance companies for dogs and cats. Although they are similar in many aspects, there are also significant differences between them. In addition to offering pet insurance, Figo was founded in 2015 and works to link pet owners with service providers by maintaining a network of veterinarians and animal care facilities. While Trupanion was established in 2000. Rather than paying pet owners, it paid veterinarians directly. Owners who don’t want to foot the money for the vet visits themselves—as is the case with most policies and businesses—have shown favor for this.

In general, Trupanion offers more effective insurance coverage and has extra advantages, such as add-on riders that can assist cover additional vet and emergency care costs, in addition to the opportunity to pay veterinarians directly. But Figo provides additional opportunities for personalization. Figo vs. Trupanion will help you to find the best policy for your furry friends.

Brief Overview of Figo vs.Trupanion

Figo is a pet insurance company that was established in 2015, specializing in coverage for cats and dogs. The company provides various deductible options ranging from $100 to $750, with reimbursement rates of 70%, 80%, 90%, and even 100%. client can choose from annual coverage limits between  $5,000 to $10.000 or opt for unlimited coverage. Figo’s policies offer a range of options to fit various budgets and coverage needs, providing pet owners with peace of mind when it comes to unexpected vet bills. With Figo, pet owners can rest assured that their furry friends are protected, no matter what.

Figo vs. Trupanion Pet Insurance

Exam Fees

typically a preliminary assessment is necessary to ascertain whether an animal is experiencing an emergency or not. Several insurance providers exclude the expense of this initial evaluation from their coverage since they cannot guarantee whether it should be regarded as part of the treatment until the pet has been diagnosed. This may lead some pet owners to seek needless consultations. While Figo does not include examination fees in their standard policy, it is possible to opt for additional coverage to incorporate them.

Pet Cloud

Figo provides its customers with the opportunity to join the Pet Cloud social network, which aims to bring together pet owners with similar interests and preferences. The platform also includes listings of nearby service providers, such as pet groomers, walkers, and hotels. Although the social network is an optional service and may not be of interest to most users, the local listings and live vet consultations available on the platform can be quite beneficial.

 Figo vs. Trupanion Live Vet Consultation

The Live Vet is a chatbot equipped with a vast database of frequently asked questions and health-related issues. If you have a query, you can ask the chatbot and receive a prompt response. It is crucial to note that in case of a genuine emergency, it is crucial to that in case of a genuine emergency, it is advisable to consult with your vet instead of relying on the information provided by Chatboat. Nevertheless, if you are curious about whether something your pet ate in the yard could cause an upset stomach or if a symptom they are displaying might be a cause for concern, the chatbot’s quick and straightforward response can be quite useful.

 Figo vs. Trupanion Waiting Period

Elements    Figo   Trupanion
  Average Claim Turnaround Time   9–12 days  24 hours
  illness waiting period    14 days  30 days
  Injury waiting period     1 day  5 days
  Exam coverage    Add on  YES
Figo vs. Trupanion Pet Insurance

Brief Overview of Trupanion

Trupanion is an innovative pet insurance company that stands out from its competitors in a unique way. Although it does not provide a social network like some other pet insurance providers, it offers direct vet reimbursement, making the claims process more straightforward for pet owners. This feature means that policyholders do not have to pay their veterinarian out of pocket and then go through the process of submitting a claim for reimbursement. Trupanion’s direct vet reimbursement makes it easier and more convenient for pet owners to take care of their furry friends’ medical needs without worrying about the financial burden that often comes with veterinary care.

$0 Deductibles

Figo vs. Trupanion In both insurance Trupanion provides some comprehensive policies that include a $0 deductible. In insurance, a deductible is the amount a policyholder must pay before their insurance coverage begins to reimburse expenses.  Generally, if you can afford a deductible, it can help reduce the cost of your premium, but a $0 deductible may result in a higher premium Trupanion also offers deductible options ranging from $50 to $1,000, providing policyholders with a range of choices that suit their budget and coverage requirements.

Unlimited Annual Coverage

The annual coverage limit refers to the maximum amount that an insurance company will reimburse policyholders over a year. While certain pet insurance policies may have an annual coverage maximum of $10,000, Trupanion also provides coverage options with no limit on the amount that can be reimbursed. This implies that regardless of the medical costs involved, your pet insurance policy will cover the necessary treatment and other related expenses to help your furry friend recover fully.

Direct Vet Payments

in the pet insurance industry, it is uncommon for insurers to offer direct reimbursement to the veterinarian or services provider. However, Trupanion is one of the few pet insurance companies that offer this service. With direct reimbursement, policyholders only need to pay their deductible and the portion of the expenses not covered by the insurance plan during their appointment. Trupanion will handle the rest of the payment directly with the veterinarian or service provider. this feature allows pet owners to take their pets to the vet without the added concern of having to pay the full cost upfront and then waiting for reimbursement. As a result, policyholders can have greater peace of mind and focus on their pet’s well-being.

Figo vs. Trupanion and Other Top-Rated Pet Insurance Provides

Figo vs. Trupanion Pet Insurance

Company Verdict: Which One Has the Edge?

Price of Plans Edge: Figo

Despite having strong coverage and customer service, Trupanion’s quotations are pricey when compared to those of the competition. Although not the cheapest option available, Figo is less expensive than Trupanion.

Areas of Coverage

Edge: Figo

Figo provides an excellent selection of deductibles, reimbursement rates, and yearly coverage limits. Exam costs may also be covered by an additional payment.

Perks Edge: Figo

This one is won by Figo. You can pay extra for a wellness program, but Trupanion also offers one, and you can pay extra for supplemental coverage that covers the cost of examinations.

Sign-Up and Claims

When it comes to signing up for pet insurance, Trupanion and Figo have similarities. Both companies have a straightforward sign-up process that does not require an examination but may require veterinary and health records. Additionally, policyholders can submit their claims online through a portal. However, Trupanion has an advantage over Figo in terms of convenience. Trupanion offers direct vet payments, which means policyholders only have to pay their share of the expenses and the deductible during their appointment, and the insurance company will take care of the rest of the payment directly with the veterinarian. This feature simplifies the reimbursement process for policyholders and provides added peace of mind.

Figo vs. Trupanion: Reimbursements and Deductibles

Figo vs. Trupanion Pet Insurance

What the Users Say about  Figo and Trupanion Pet Insurance

Users like Figo and Trupanion a lot. While Trupanion has more expensive premiums and is regarded as having no frills coverage, customers laud the company for having direct vet payment choices. Numerous customers also like the variety of coverage options provided by Figo. Although Figo quotations are less expensive, The Balance ‘found that Trupanion delivers a bit better value for your money’ and that ‘the company’s direct vet pay can also save you more by forcing you to spend less out of pocket during your veterinarian visit’.


 Figo vs. Trupanion pet insurance both offer various options that cater to the needs of pet owners. Trupanion stands out for its unique features such as direct vet reimbursement and unlimited coverage options. On the other hand, Figo provides a value-added service with its Pet Cloud social network and The Live Vet chatbot. Additionally, both companies offer deductible options and coverage limits that allow policyholders to choose plans that meet their budget and pet’s healthcare requirements. with wet insurance policies, pet owners can have peace of mind knowing they can provide their furry friends with the necessary medical care without worrying about financial constraints


Que. Which level of Pet Insurance is the best?

Ans. The greatest amount of coverage for your pet is provided by life insurance. Accidents and diseases are normally covered by lifetime insurance, and each time you renew the policy, the amount you can spend annually is reset.

 Que. Who is Figo vs. Trupanion Pet Insurance competitors?

Ans.  The biggest competitors of Figo Pet Insurance are Prudent Pet Insurance Agency LLC, Healthy Paws Pet Insurance LLC, Pets Best Insurance Services LLC, and Cover Wallet Inc. Which businesses has Figo Pet Insurance purchased? The following firms were purchased by Figo Pet Insurance: Pet Insurance by Figo Who oversees Figo Pet Insurance as CEO?

 Que. Does Figo have a multi-pet discount?

Ans. For the protection of all the dogs and cats in your household, Figo offers a discount. More is better, right? Once they add a second policy to their account, they will start to qualify for the 5% multiple pet discounts.

Que. What are the 4 types of pet insurance?

Ans.  Pet insurance is available in four primary categories: lifetime, annual (or time-limited), accident-only, and maximum compensation.

 Que. How long has Figo Insurance been in business?

Ans. Chicago-based Figo Pet Insurance was established in 2013. It collaborates with Costco, and Costco members can be qualified for a discount on their insurance plan. Markel American Insurance Company, Independence American Insurance Company, and Markel Insurance Company are responsible for underwriting the policies.

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